In mid-January, Representative Sato traveled to Colombia to conduct ALIS training.
2025/1/10 ALIS Training Continues in Cambodia This Month and KUMERTIMES Article Published
Our CEO, Mr. Motoyuki Sato, met with the CMAC Director General in Cambodia. Training on ALIS is continuing in Cambodia. Facebook page (CMAC Director)

Click here to read the article in KUMER TIMES about the donation of early ALIS equipment to the Peace Memorial Museum.

2024/11 We are continuing our ALIS activities in Cambodia.

ALIS booth at the technical exhibition

ALIS demonstration at The Peace Museum
2024/9/18 ALIS: Training and testing in Cambodia

ALIS training and testing took place in Cambodia in early September. Please click here for more information. (CEO Motoyuki Sato FB)

Click here to see images of the training. (CEO Motoyuki Sato FB)

A video about the ALIS training is available on CMAC Director HENG Ratana’s page.
2024/8/28 Japanese Ambassador Visits Cambodia to Inspect Mine Clearance Activities (ALIS)
According to the Facebook page of the Director of CMAC (Cambodia Mine Action Center), the Japanese Ambassador visited Cambodia to inspect the demining activities of the ALIS landmine detector. “On August 28, 2024, we received Ambassador Ueno, Ambassador of Japan to Cambodia, to inspect the minefield demining activities in Chamrong Lomeang Krom Village, Osamrir Commune, Samlot District, Battambang Province.”